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Exciting Coral Discoveries in Port Moresby Harbour

Hello friends and supporters!

We've been quiet for a while because we've been busy, but now we're thrilled to update you on our recent activities.

In mid-June, the Olgeta Foundation had the incredible opportunity to support a team of scientists, in collaboration with John Miller and Prodive, aboard the MV Golden Dawn. This mission focused on an environmental assessment of the outer regions of Port Moresby Harbour, and the findings were both fascinating and eye-opening.

The team identified an impressive 224 species of hard coral across the bay, including several new records for the region and numerous rare species. They also discovered a variety of soft corals, black corals, and gorgonians. The high diversity of corals in the bay is attributed to the range of environments and unique geography of the area. Papua New Guinea is located within the "coral triangle," known for the highest global coral diversity.

However, the team observed concerning signs of recent high mortalities on the reefs, likely due to mass bleaching events driven by human-induced climate change and increased seawater temperatures. Unfortunately, mass bleaching has devastated reefs worldwide over the past decade.

Additionally, the assessment noted a significant reduction in fish life, indicating the impact of overfishing in the area. Despite these challenges, parts of the reefs remain spectacular and vibrant, showcasing their resilience and beauty.

We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to support this important work and to collaborate with dedicated scientists. Together, we can make a difference in protecting and preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of Papua New Guinea.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Stay tuned for more updates and ways to get involved in our conservation efforts!

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