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Dr. Kenneth (Ken) Thistlethwaite 

Ken is the Co-Director of the Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Service at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. He is a specialist General Practitioner with  subspecialty training in anaesthesia and diving and hyperbaric medicine from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and has worked in rural and metropolitan settings. 

Ken started scuba diving as a 14 year old under FAUI and has retained a love of the water. He supported Diver Alert Network (Asia Pacific) for many years as a volunteer on call Divers Emergency Services Doctor, is the current secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Hyperbaric Medicine Group, an examiner for the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in diving and hyperbaric medicine and a member of the Worksafe QLD diving and snorkelling death review panel.

Ken spent his primary school years in Papua New Guinea and remains forever grateful for the experience. Like many expatriates his love for the country is enduring. The Olgeta Foundation and its aims and mission statement are commitments he is very proud to be associated with.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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